50 Questions A Broker Should Answer Before Starting Teams!
Growth through real estate team development can be the BEST thing or the WORST thing that’s ever happened to your company’s culture. Finding win-win solutions to important questions regarding team leader qualifications, company benefits and support, appropriation of commissions and fees, and the hiring and termination process can make all the difference! Closing the barn door AFTER teams start to flourish and issues arise can put relationships with your Top Producers at risk. Create healthy boundaries NOW and create stronger, more profitable relationships for agents, brokers and owners, alike!
Manage, Train, Recruit, Retain!
This highly charged session is filled with creative and effective strategies for managing the “GO-TO” office in your market. Come learn how to maximize on-line and off-line techniques that create market “BUZZ,” how to apply radical retention strategies based on a strong core culture of cooperation, professionalism and market knowledge and hear masterful dialogues that encourage conversation and interaction with the agents you’d like to attract to your office. Don’t miss this great session delivered by one of the industry’s most experienced real estate brokers.
The Principles of Profit: This is No Time to ‘Practice’ Real Estate
More than ever, brokers AND agents need to protect their bottom line and EVERY dollar counts! We’ll uncover the Top 4 Principles of Profit, including how to Cut the Fat and Not the Stats by giving up “sacred cows,” eliminating waste, and investing in profit-producing concepts and programs. Find out about aligning your off-line and on-line brand and how “ZMOT” can help. If you plan to THRIVE vs. SURVIVE industry challenges moving at warp drive, don’t miss this! It’s time to put your financial future back in YOUR control!
Radical Recruiting!
Today’s real estate professionals are more receptive to change than they’ve ever been! Agents finding themselves in this “real estate industry”al revolution are leaving comfort to seek out leadership that understands the challenging landscape! Are you that Leader? We’ll discuss 5 areas of focus that MUST be on your radar screen: becoming their technology filter; providing an interdependent culture of trust, transparency and social savvy; delivering relevant training that rocks; and offering market-sensitive financial programs. But FIRST you have to attract them! Join us to learn “Here and Now” recruiting strategies to bring them in the door and then KEEP them there!
Build a Better Agent in 30 Minutes or LESS!
Are you ready for a simplified, effective, BREAKTHROUGH business planning process to increase your agents’ production, focus and effectiveness while decreasing the time to make those things happen? You’ve heard of the 30 minute body power workouts? THIS is the 30 minute business power workout! Be the coach and mentor you’ve always wanted to be and put the responsibility for performance and monthly follow through where it belongs–with your Sales Force! This isn’t theory–Pam’s doing it successfully every day! Learn how you can push your sales force to new production levels, profitability, and passion. Eliminate the mediocrity production plateau!